Minnesota Bumble Bee Atlas

We have some results to share from the 2021 and 2022 Atlas survey seasons.

The MN Bumble Bee Atlas documented 18 of Minnesota’s 24 species of bumble bees, gathering important data on habitat associations and locations for rarely seen bumble bee species.

Bumble bees captured by MN Bumble Bee Atlas surveyors

A: Bombus vagans by Alyssa Roberts. B: Bombus fervidus by Heidi Carlson. C: Bombus citrinus by Minnesota Valley. D: Bombus frigidus by Kathy Sidles. E: Bombus ternarius by Tony Ernst. F: Bombus griseocollis by Heidi Carlson. 

Highlights of 2021-2022 bumble bee observations

Highlights of 2021-2022 bumble bee floral visitation observations


The figures below show the seasonal pattern of floral use for bumble bees in the southern (below 47 degrees latitude) and northern (above 47 degrees latitude) parts of the state. The observations are grouped over 10-day periods. The size of the dots indicates the number of bees seen and the different colors indicate the numbers of species observed. We want you to visit a wide range of flowers when collecting observations, but when choosing a survey area, you may find more bees and bee diversity if you choose a site with flowers that host lots of bees and lots of different types of bees.

Visitation of bumble bees to plant genera in northern Minnesota between mid-June and late-September. Plants are limited to those hosting more than 25 total bees. 

Visitation of bumble bees to plant genera in northern Minnesota between mid-June and late-September. Plants are limited to those hosting more than 25 total bees. 

View the complete report.
