Minnesota Bumble Bee Atlas

We have moved!  Please visit bumblebeeatlas.org for the most up-to-date Minnesota Bumble Bee Atlas resources 

Bumblebees on flower

Why Bumblebees?

Bumble bees are charismatic and easily recognizable pollinators thanks to their large size, loud buzz, and distinctive color patterns. They play an incredibly important role in sustaining the health of our environment by pollinating flowers in natural and urban areas, and by contributing to successful harvests on farms.

Bumblebees on hands

About the Atlas

The Atlas is a public-participation science project aimed at tracking and conserving Minnesota’s bumble bees. Anyone is welcome to participate and contribute to a better understanding of bumble bee needs. The Atlas is a collaboration between the Xerces Society and the University of Minnesota.  

Up close bumble bee

Get involved

Scientists, like yourself, spread out across Minnesota to survey bumble bees and are asked to report back whatever you find! We offer workshops that provide you with all of the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to run surveys independently. Surveys can be run on your own or with a group of people! Survey methods are catch-and-release, so no bees are harmed, and data collection can be done on your phone. 

Ready to join? Connect to resources and adopt a grid cell HERE

The Minnesota Bumble Bee Atlas is a statewide project aimed at tracking and conserving Minnesota's native bumble bees. 

Anyone can get involved in this pollinator conservation effort. As a part of our initiative, we offer educational workshops that will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to participate. Explore our website to learn about the purpose and project design of the Atlas. Once you're ready to get involved, check out the requirements, learn how to adopt a grid cell and find out what training events are available!

groups/mnbumblebees  A private group for Atlas volunteers