Minnesota Bumble Bee Atlas
Minnesota Bumble Bee Atlas: Learn more

Want to learn more about pollinators and how to help?

Check out the resources at the University of Minnesota Bee Lab and the University of Minnesota Extension

The mission of the Minnesota Master Naturalist Program is to promote awareness, understanding, and stewardship of Minnesota’s natural environment by developing a corps of well-informed citizens dedicated to conservation education and service within their communities.

Any adult who is curious and enjoys learning about the natural world, shares that knowledge with others, and supports conservation can be a Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteer. If you enjoy hiking, bird watching, following tracks, or identifying wildflowers, you'll love being a Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteer. Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteers are a motivated group of fun and interesting people: teachers, retired professionals, nature guides, hunters, eco-tour operators, farmers, and...YOU!

The Xerces Society is a science-based conservation organization that promotes pollinator health, endangered species conservation, and pesticide-free habitat. Your gift will help us to protect the life that sustains us.

Member benefits include an annual subscription to Wings: Essays on Invertebrate Conservation, access to popular books and publications in our online gift center, updates on the latest news on invertebrate conservation, and our deepest gratitude for believing in our mission.

The Xerces Society is a 501 (c)3 non-profit. Your gifts are tax-deductible.